Banana Coins are spent in Funky's store for items such as Balloons.Bananas are everywhere! Collecting 100 nets you one extra Red Balloon.Run out of balloons, and you'll be forced to start the level over again. Red Balloons are essentially "lives" and allow you to respawn from checkpoints if you die.Most Kongs have a maximum of two hearts Funky has five. Hearts give your Kongs more health, which is taken away when you are touched by an enemy, enemy projectile, spike, or other penalizing obstacle.But you'll quickly notice various collectibles scattered across levels. If you're just here to beat the game, busting to the exit is a fine way to play. Take note that if you're playing co-op, only one of you can control these vehicles at a time. A handful of levels include frantic mine cart rides where you'll have to fight enemies and jump tracks to stay on the rails, and some others put the Kongs on a wild rocket barrel ride full of crazy obstacles. Most of them are platforming levels that will have you climbing, jumping, swinging, and ground pounding your way across platforms and enemies. Some levels culminate in a boss or mini-boss fight.

The objective of each level in Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze is simple: get to the end. They share a pool of Red Balloons that act as "lives" in Tropical Freeze.